Saturday, April 6, 2019

A kind reminder: Be you.

The world is in such a hurry to disapprove, hate and denounce,
In a certain haste to rebut and call it a triumph,
Shaming you for who you are,
Mocking at your thoughts,
Smirking at your victories,
Sneering at your opinions,
Chasing you to dictate every step of yours,
Haughty and rude, waiting to dispirit your dreams,
They shadow you everywhere,
Making you run away from sadistic demons
And hide behind yourself
Screaming inside your minds,
Stopping to question if you are of worth.
When the storms end, and when the
Tides of the question waves cease,
Tell yourself that none can steal the happiness of being you.
Yes, stay you.

Among a hundred negative messages and comments that you see on social media today, let this be one positive reminder to stay you, no matter what. Love and peace.