Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Your absence haunts...

Our new home is so big and lovely,
Sadly it’s kind of lonely;
The shrill silence fills my ears,
The grief in the heart well concealed,
Choosing to burst through tears every night,
And hide behind smiles almost all day,
The loss still unbearable...
I miss you, Thatha...
I don’t want to ask you why you left us...
Because I know you didn’t want leave us either...
Your absence is loud and conspicuous,
My mind narrowing down to the best moments with you...
Oh, Thatha...
How much you dreamed to live in this house!
And how you didn’t get to see it well!
And how you missed to live here with us
To have made memories for me to cherish!
I miss you every day, Thatha.
Will I ever believe the fact that you’re not coming back??
You’re still not so dead.
Living in the hearts of us all.
Forever we love you.